If You Give A Girl Some Brothers


Even though I only actually have one brother, my two older cousins are more like brothers to me therefore I call them my brothers. Having a brother is basically like having a personal body guard and they will always have your back, no matter what. Having a brother can be fun, you learn to be rough and to stick up for yourself and you learn to never give up. Brothers show you that it’s okay to girly too and they will still play with you because they know it will make you happy. Although they might tease you and sometimes drive you crazy, you wouldn’t trade them for the world.

If you give a girl some brothers, they’ll teach her that boys can be sometimes hard to deal with. Having some brothers will make it easier to understand the male population as a whole. As a girl it’s hard to figure out why they think gross things are cool or why they always insist on watching the hockey game because their favorite team is in the finals (which don’t get me wrong I’ll let them watch it but I’d rather be watching Say Yes To The Dress). A brother can help through misunderstandings of a relationship and tell her what he really means because sometimes boys just don’t make sense. Having brothers is nice because they’re always there to give you advice and they can help you through break ups and heart aches.

If you give a girl some brothers, they’ll teach her how to be really patient. Being the sister it’s common to be prepared for any goofy tricks or pranks that your brothers might pull. Mine just so happen to love to mess with my phone. My one brother, Matt at Christmas hid my phone and didn’t tell me where it was for about an hour. My younger brother Max loves to knock my phone out of my hands when I’m least expecting it. Adam doesn’t really do anything like that, so thank you Adam. These silly tricks do indeed teach you how to be patient and to not get angry or frustrated too easily.

If you give a girl some brothers, she’ll learn to be tough. Maybe not in a physical sense because I’m actually not that tough in that sense but in a mental state definitely. You learn to stand up for yourself and make your voice heard. You learn to not get pushed around by anyone and if you still are being pushed around you always have your brothers to help you through it.

If you give a girl some brothers, she’ll get introduced to sports. From a young age all of my brothers were into at least one sport. There have been multiple times where I have watched sports with my brothers. Usually it’s hockey or the olympics but you learn the rules fast or else you get very confused and you want to sound like you know what you’re talking about.

If you give a girl some brothers, she’ll learn about chivalry. Brothers teach their sister how she should be treated by a guy. As the sister I look for a guy who will treat me nicely and with respect as my brothers do with their girlfriends (which they all have girlfriends). The way you let guys treat you is probably what you learned from your brother.

If you give a girl some brothers, they’ll always protect her. Not that I’m saying she can’t protect herself but sometimes a girl just needs to be protected by her brothers. You don’t have to worry about any creepy dudes around with your brothers in the picture.

If you give a girl some brothers, she can be their personal stylist. There’s no need to hire one when you have a sister around! Most guys have no idea what to buy when it comes to clothes so it’s the sisters job to help them out a little. If you’re brother is great at shopping and loves to then you will always have a shopping buddy!

And finally, if you give a girl some brothers, they will teach her to laugh a lot and be silly. Life can be pretty serious but having brothers by your side can make any situation fun, or at least more fun than it was. Brothers can teach you how to enjoy humor and practical jokes. Sometimes one of your brothers will let you in on a prank on another brother and it just makes it so much funnier. Learning to let loose and laugh a little can really make all the difference.

Thank you brothers for an awesome 19 years and I’m excited to spend more with you.

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